Kontak Kami

A modern bus labeled 'Resort Express' is parked in front of a building with traditional architecture featuring a triangular roof with red tiles and white walls. A clock is displayed prominently on the building. The roof has some snow, and there is a streetlamp with a vintage design next to the bus.
A modern bus labeled 'Resort Express' is parked in front of a building with traditional architecture featuring a triangular roof with red tiles and white walls. A clock is displayed prominently on the building. The roof has some snow, and there is a streetlamp with a vintage design next to the bus.

Hubungi Raya Trans untuk layanan tour travel dan sewa mobil terbaik untuk liburan atau perjalanan dinas.

Lokasi Kami

Kunjungi Raya Trans untuk layanan travel dan transportasi terpercaya. Siap melayani kebutuhan tour dan sewa mobil Anda.


Jl.green valley village, Telajung, Kec. Cikarang Bar., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530